VCN has extensive pharmaceutical research experience that is focused in three key areas.
Pharmaceutical Research
Pharma Agency Pitch Research
Recruiting for Testimonials, Patient Advocates and Content
Full Service Pharma Research
Pharma Service #1
Pharma Agency Pitch Research
VCN has worked with every type of HCP, patient or condition no matter how common or rare.
Our agency partners rely on us for our excellent recruiting, fast turnaround, turn-key hosting, quality video recordings / transcripts and cost efficiency.

“More and more clients are judging the quality of our pitch work by the healthcare professionals we recruit. VCN recruits top doctors with ease and does it consistently from project to project. Even when we generate a list for VCN, they are able to secure interviews quickly and efficiently. By far, the best recruiting in the business, even for rare disease.”
CultHealth: Pharma Marketing AgencyPharma Client of VCN

Pharma Service #2
We Recruit Patients for a Variety of Agency Needs
Pharma Service #3
Full Service Pharma Research
We regularly use our virtual research toolbox to conduct full service projects for pharma clients as well. Download our white paper and see examples of what we do for a broad range of pharma clients.
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Examples of Full Service Pharma Work
Web Navigation
Real Time Website Reactions from Patients
Website Optimization
Optimizing Simponi's Website for HCP's
Global Advertising Campaign Research

Optimizing Patient Education Materials

Jackson Health Journey Research

Message Testing for Branded and Unbranded Campaigns

Sign Up for Free Demo & VCN “Greatest Insights Highlight” Reel
Let’s schedule a demo today to assess your qualitative research needs and share ideas on how our real people, real time tools and real experts can yield real insights about your consumer and your brand.
Included in the Highlight Reel:
Real Time Election Reactions
How to Retain Your Audience’s Attention
COVID-19 Real People Reactions