Understanding consumer emotions in real time while engaged in content.

During the first Presidential Debate on 6/27/24, we asked our VCN community of thousands of voters to share in real time what they were thinking before, during and after the first long-awaited Presidential Debate.

These voters were so engaged we received hundreds of videos back.


Engaging reports and video edits that tell a story

In this pitch video we focused on Chapstick moments versus ”competitive” moments to reveal opportunities and challenges for the brand among the all-important Millennial target.


Redefining Research with Real Doctors and their needs

Imagine getting doctors real-time reactions to how they would actually use your website, software, or pharmaceutical products?

Having an over the shoulder look into their real thoughts as they travel through your site giving you nuggets of insight on how to optimize your site experience.

Watch our case study now to see how our clients are elevating their market research and storytelling to the next level.


Highlighting Cultural Issues in Hispanic Communities

For First Response, we wanted to get a visceral sense of Hispanic Women’s lives, especially concerning family and emotions surrounding when they are trying to conceive. Given the importance of family to Hispanics we were able to gather family members to see their interactions and the nuances of their relationships in action. Click on video to see a sample clip from the study.

The Power of Mobile Research Studies

The question was whether or not the kinds of responses would be different between those who were interviewed in the moment and those after the fact. And indeed they were in our 3 test cases:  sampling a new beverage from Starbucks, driving a new SUV and shopping for smartphones.

Those interviewed in the moment delivered mobile insights that were more visceral, concrete, pictorial and outside of category conventions. Those interviewed afterwards spoke in more abstract and general terms, often repeating conventional category language.

Trying New Coffee at Starbucks

In Home

In Store

Shopping for a New Mobile Phone

In Home

In Store

Driving Their New SUV

In Home

In Car

Sign Up for Free Demo & VCN “Greatest Insights Highlight” Reel

Let’s schedule a demo today to assess your qualitative research needs and share ideas on how our real people, real time tools and real experts can yield real insights about your consumer and your brand.
Included in the Highlight Reel:

Real Time Election Reactions
How to Retain Your Audience’s Attention
COVID-19 Real People Reactions

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